Monday, July 29, 2024

Why I Stopped Caring About The Olympics


During my youth and early adulthood, my family members and I would gather around the moderately sized television in the kitchen and eagerly await the opening ceremonies of the Olympic Games. It was always exciting to watch the amateur athletes in the parade of nations enter a stadium or arena, proudly representing their nations. 

Even though we knew the Soviet block countries, China and East Germany cheated, there were still moments of beauty, an exceptional talent coming out of nowhere, the thrill of victory and the agony of defeat, I felt part of a world that rewarded the best. 

Politics has always been part of the Olympics. But the monetization, the boycotts, the participation by professional athletes, the dark side of children being mistreated for American glory, the sexual abuse, the doping, the NCAA oligarchy, trans women competing in women’s sports, and the continued focus on medal count has ruined what used to be represented as the Olympic Spirit for me.

I think the last glorious moment for me was the Miracle On Ice in 1980 when the amateur American Hockey team prevailed over the Soviets. Now, team sports are comprised of NBA and NHL stars. So not interesting or fun! If I want to watch professional tennis, I’ll tune into Wimbledon. 

It was also a huge mistake to shift the winter games and summer games into alternating cycles with an Olympics every other year! Too much! 

Yep, it is all about money, cronyism, back room deals, overlooking rules, making exceptions or excuses, pandering instead of standing up for even a modicum of an ideal. It is now just another circus.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Musings on my 65th Birthday


Today is my 65th birthday. It seems impossible to comprehend the passage of so many years. Where did the time go? How did 65 years fly by in what feels like the blink of an eye! I can still recall being a four year old child, looking out the window of my brother’s bedroom, watching the elementary students at Saint Bridget boarding school buses across the street and dreaming of someday being a part of that group! 

Now I am reflecting on the wonderful experiences of a well lived life to date and thinking about how life in America and the world has changed since July 21, 1959. 

I entered the world on the cusp of the space age. The Gemini, Mercury and Apollo astronauts were my heroes. I mourned the murders of JFK, RFK and MLK. I watched the Apollo 11 moon landing, gave bicentennial tours of CASS county, Indiana in 1976, traveled to London and Paris on a school adventure when I was 16.

My friends and I sang in choirs, wrote for the Logansport High School yearbook and newspaper, went to speech meets and music contests, enjoyed high school basketball, football and baseball games. We gathered at our friends houses and argued about politics and religion. We believed in the promise of our futures in an America that afforded opportunities. 

It was a turbulent time during my childhood. The conflict in Vietnam. The political unrest. Civil Rights demonstrations and progress. The women’s movement. A whirlwind of change, progress, unrest, great music, the counterculture, and women and other minorities finally stepping on the first rung of the corporate ladder. 

Today, I’m contemplating retirement after 40+ years in the insurance industry, a career built solely on the basis that I needed a job, was offered a job as a claims adjuster, and accepted the job even though I didn’t know anything about the work. That happened quite often to young people of my cohort. We embraced opportunities without thinking about fulfillment, work life balance, or perks. Earning a paycheck ruled the day.

I do not look back with regrets, wishing I’d made different or better decisions. Every step, whether excellent, horrible, pretty good, savvy, stupid, boneheaded, thoughtful, impulsive, right or wrong, healthy or unhealthy, kind or cruel, brought me to where I am today. And I am content, genuinely happy, and in a place primarily filled with peace and serenity and gratitude for the good fortune, abundance, excellent health, integrity, blessings and beauty that surrounds me.