Tuesday, September 17, 2024

Saying Goodbye to Loved Ones


This past Saturday we celebrated the life of my mother-in-law, Janice Ann Harrington, pictured left with my father-in-law,  Norm Harrington, partners for 66 years. 

This was a difficult journey for many reasons. Since the end of March 2024, we experienced the loss of Norm and my Aunt Virginia Butler, my dad’s younger sister. Jan had been suffering with Lewy Body dementia, an insidious disease that robbed her of her memories and physical strength. 

My heart was filled with sorrow for my husband, his extended family and myself. 

I could not have specially ordered better in-laws. I felt nauseous from the moment we began our trip in Virginia, resisting the inevitable loss of the keys figures in our lives. 

After my Jan’s moving service where we shared memories, the family gathered at my sister-in-law’s to share hugs, intentions to stay connected, and bittersweet stories. Then a few of us went out to Wolf Creek Golf Course to see a plaque posted on the 16th hole to honor Norm for his work as a groundskeeper. 

Racing golf carts to the site brought back wonderful memories of the times we’d spent together at Wolf Creek. This brought a sliver of joy to an otherwise melancholy day.