Saturday, October 19, 2024

Evidence of Life After Death


My dad left us on September 22nd. He joined our mother who had departed this world nearly 8 years previously in December 2016. While I’ve always been unconvinced of Catholic doctrine, the concept of heaven, a belief in the afterlife, Ive still contemplated  whether our souls just disintegrate or move to another realm. I’ve embraced the precept of Buddhism since my years in Asia and do not accept that western and eastern religions are completely disparate. 

What particularly resonates with me are the signs from the Universe that support the theories of an afterlife. These irises bloomed today, October 19, 2024. Notice that I had trimmed the fans weeks ago to prepare them for overwintering. This Iris disagreed with Mother Nature and bloomed not once but twice with double blossoms after my father died.

I interpreted this as a sign that my parents  reunited in the afterlife, that they are enjoying drinks with old friends and relatives, and that they are watching over us. The signs are always there if we are receptive. 

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