Wednesday, March 5, 2025

Disrespect For Our Democratic Procss

 I have not always been a supporter of Donald Trump.However, he is a far superior representative of the USA than our former incompetent, mentally deficient, plagiarist, petty, puppet that was Joe Biden, who diminished our role in the world order.

The Democrats that showed disgraceful disrespect at the State of the Union yesterday are an embarrassment to the USA. The hubris, corrupt, disdain for American citizens is noteworthy. These elected officials make fun of the people they purport to represent. They claim they ‘know better’ than everyone else. It is condescending at the minimum and disdainful in any forum. 

These members of Congress are supposed to represent their constituents. Instead, they represent themselves, their greed, their need for adulation, their egos, their need to feel superior, their disdain for the Constitution and the rule of law.

I was embarrassed by the  antics of the Democrats in Congress. I’ve been dumbfounded by the obstructionist  votes that marginalized the will of the people. 

The Democrats acted with rudeness, antipathy, disgust for fellow Americans who disagree with their skewed view of what life in the USA should be like be.

I applaud Donald Trump assembling a cabinet of outsiders who may shake up the old world order into the  current world in which we live. The Cabinet is diverse. There are views that should generate discussion. Let us hope it is the end of the status quo. 

Term limits! Line item veto for appropriations, tax reform. Cling the right thing. Taking care of  Veterans and paying active duty soldiers a living wage. 

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